CMF launched their 2020-2021 guidelines and announced their budget on April 1st. The overall CMF budget is down about $600K from last year and is now $353 million. As the CMF’s budget is based on projected revenue, this may end up being reduced over the coming year but that is the budget that they are working with. The CMF did warn in their announcement that guidelines might have to change to respond to the economy so IO will monitor the situation.
Experimental is down slightly from $32.250 million (English) to $29 million. However, this is due to a reorganization of what programs are included within Experimental. The CMF Kids Digital Program is no longer included but the Accelerator Program is. It is important to note that the Innovation and Commercialization streams are now allocated equally within the Experimental Program.
Applicants to all programs are ‘encouraged’ to read the Indigenous Protocols and Pathways. This is relevant to IDM producers who includes Indigenous stories or characters in their work.
Eligibility now includes being in good standing with unions and guilds. Unions and guilds declare a producer an ‘unfair engager’ if they default in their obligations and they are therefore unable to engage that union’s members until the default is fixed. As IDM producers are increasingly using ACTRA members for voice over, motion capture and/or audio-visual performance they should keep in mind that any default would impact their ability to apply to CMF on future projects.
- Head office is in the region (no satellite offices)
- Regional applicant initiates and is meaningfully involved in the production and owns at least 51%
- More than 150km from Toronto (for English) or Montreal (for French).
This was felt to be necessary because in recent years there has been a drop in overall productions funded by the Experimental Program from the regions. IO will monitor the impact of this initiative on Ontario-based Conceptualization projects.