Youth Media Alliance (YMA) is looking for promising young Canadian students at the university level who show a talent and passion for creating innovative children’s content. Each year, one outstanding Canadian student who plans to pursue a career in children’s animation, television or digital media production will be awarded the Andra Sheffer Scholarship to attend Kidscreen Summit in Miami.
This annual Scholarship includes $1,500 Cdn in cash to cover travel costs and one Kidscreen Summit conference registration (valued at approximately $1,595 US). The total value is approximately $3,560 Cdn in cash and in-kind. In addition, the student will be provided with mentorship by staff and members of the YMA Board of Directors to fully benefit from the event. Mentorship may include help choosing appropriate Kidscreen sessions, orientation to the event, personal introductions to industry members, attendance at mentor’s meetings, and a review of student’s pitch documents if appropriate.
To learn more about how to apply (deadline: October 15) click here.