We have been relentlessly advocating for the reduction of the OIDMTC queue and as of last Friday it now stands at 10 weeks. This means that the oldest file that is ready for analysis and waiting for review was received in the latter half of April 2020.
OIDMTC is now the shortest queue out of all the tax credits that Ontario Creates manages.
Ontario Creates is confident that the queue will remain at 10-12 weeks, even with additional annual filers. This is due to 1) the fact that most outliers are now out of the system, and 2) the initiatives that Ontario Creates have taken to fast track processing.
Many thanks to Ontario Creates and its IDM IAC committee, Minister MacLeod and her team at the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism, and Culture Industries (MHSTCI), the Ministerial IDM Council, IO’s Advocacy Committee, and many more from the industry and government who provided feedback, insights, and support.