Interactive Ontario (IO) is in discussion with various levels of governments in regards to the impact of COVID-19 on our industry as well as potential stimulus/relief measures.

It is critical to substantiate IO’s recommendations to governments with strong data coming from the businesses and freelancers of our industry. We urge you to take 10-15 minutes to fill out this confidential survey before Tuesday March, 31.

This survey is funded by the CMF and produced by Nordicity. It is done in partnership with our colleagues from the games/interactive digital media (IDM) industry across Canada and is promoted in Ontario in collaboration with Hand Eye Society. The results will be available by province as well as at the national level.

Your answers will remain anonymous and confidential. Responses will be combined and will only be shared in aggregated format with key decision makers in government.

Please share this survey with your stakeholders, colleagues, partners and friends in the games/IDM industry. The more data from the businesses and freelancers of the industry, the stronger we’ll be in recommending stimulus and relief measures for our industry.

Inquiries and opinions can be directed to