Rendrd Media Logo


We are a Black-led 3D animation studio specializing in new media technologies including photorealistic CGI, AR/VR, 360 videos, 3D scanning, and motion capture. Our passion and creativity are boundless and rooted in the alternative music, fashion, and entertainment industries. Our new website will be launching soon. Get an insider look below!

EA Sports NHL20 Youth and Frontline Workers Online Tournament

EA Sports NHL20 Youth and Frontline Workers Tournament

EA Sports NHL20 Youth and Frontline Workers Tournament produce by Gravitesports and in recognition of the 25th anniversary of Black History Month in Canada.

A Different Booklist

Are you between the ages of approximately 15 to 24.? Join us for a Virtual Youth Conference on March 17, 2021, for animators about a particular skill in the Blender program and other opportunities in the field to make a living; build a portfolio towards working in the gaming industry.

OCAD University Logo

OCAD University Online Portfolio Workshops

Are you interested in art and design as a career? Call us at OCAD University to arrange a scholarship to take part in one of our portfolio workshops offered online and on Saturdays. In the meantime, order a free creative workbook here.


TXDL (Techsdale), a registered non-profit agency; is a youth mentorship and development program with a twofold purpose: to give young individuals from diverse backgrounds the skills and experience necessary to find entry into the gaming and tech industries. TXDL’s goal is also to channel this development directly into employment and internships for our program graduates.