The Minister of Canadian Heritage has announced a sweeping policy review for the cultural/content industries. Canadian content in a digital world will examine laws (such as the Broadcasting Act) and the mandate of agencies such as the CRTC and the CBC within the context of a digital world. The policies in question have not been updated since the widespread adoption of the internet, so there is a great deal of room for modernization.

The review is currently in the pre-consultation phase, which consists of an online survey. It is vitally important that digital media stakeholders such as yourselves complete the survey. The survey is to be completed on an anonymous and individual basis. Multiple employees of the same company can and should complete it, but please note you may have to do it at home as the survey can only be completed once per IP. As well, your responses are not editable once they have been submitted.

For background information on the question around best practices from other countries to consider, please see this PDF.

The survey can be found here: